Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Toon Boom Studio 4.5 is Released

Toon Boom Studio 4.5 is Released

Emmy Award-winning Toon Boom Animation Inc. today announced the launch of Toon Boom Studio 4.5 and its Toon Boom Studio Importer to Flash (TBSi). This latest version widens the animation possibilities by enabling users to create photo animation and live-action cartooning. Additional new features include a better integration with Photoshop files, extended ease of use, the ability to print, more export options to iTunes and YouTube as well as the import of Flip Boom and Animation-ish projects. TBSi lets users import Toon Boom Studio projects directly into Adobe Flash CS2 and CS3, resulting in a streamlined workflow for adding interactivity to their projects.

Live-action cartooning
Import video files and draw over them to create Roger Rabbit style live-action cartoon animation. Explore rotoscoping by tracing over live-action videos and create even more realistic animation.

Animate photos in cut-out
Import photos and portraits to build a library of key poses which you can animate using cut-out techniques. The more facial expressions, the more interesting your animation!

Photoshop layers are there too
Create multi-layer graphics in Adobe® Photoshop® and import them into Toon Boom Studio 4.5 preserving all layer information. Create some impressive camera moves and explore cut-out techniques.

Import Flip Boom or Animation-ish files
Bring your Flip Boom and Animation-ish projects to the next level by adding sound, effects and camera moves in Toon Boom Studio 4.5.

DOWNLOAD HERE : http://www.easy-share.com/1912445163/Toon Boom Studio v4.5.rar

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